Angel Investors: Who are they and how does it work?

Angel investors are usually entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals with significant business expertise, strong networks and an interest in new technologies and business opportunities. They typically invest in start-ups and early-stage businesses that are scalable and have high-growth potential.

Angels may invest as individuals or as a syndicate and the investments can vary from $5K to $500K plus. They typically take equity ownership in the business (20% – 30%) or a convertible debt. They are general looking for a 10x return on their investment within 5 -7 years.  Angels invest at the high risk stage so they will carefully select the companies they invest in, and typically have hands-on involvement in guiding its growth.

If you are seeking angel investors for your business, ensure that you are fully prepared for the information you will need to provide and the questions that you will need to answer.

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